Art Access ‘Otomachi’
2017 R&D, Tokyo 2018 (world premiere)
Art Access ‘Otomachi’ manage the venue Nakacho House. Established in 2012 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Adachi Ward, ‘Otomachi’ produces new art-based projects which promote communication and engagement with the people of Adachi ward. ‘Otomachi’ regularly collaborates with the Tokyo Arts Council and Tokyo University of the Arts. THE鍵KEY operated as a pilot program of Art Access ‘Otomachi’.

Whole Hog Theatre
2017 R&D, Tokyo 2018 (world premiere), Tokyo 2019 (revised premiere), London 2019 (UK premiere)
Whole Hog Theatre is an award-winning UK company and creative collective for emerging creating eclectic adaptations that encourage diversity and new audiences to the theatre. Staging the “unstageable” since 2011, the company specialises in adaptation, working with emerging artists, creating productions using recycled materials and facilitating Anglo-Japanese projects. In 2013, Whole Hog Theatre staged the world’s first theatrical adaptation of Princess Mononoke with the kind permission of Studio Ghibli. Wishing to build on their success with Tristan and Isolde and due to the project’s aim of promoting Anglo-Japanese exchange, Whole Hog Theatre is excited to support this project with production assistance.

Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
2017 R&D, Tokyo 2018 (world premiere), London 2019 (UK premiere)
The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation is a UK charity, established in 1988 with a generous benefaction from Daiwa Securities Co Ltd. The Foundation’s purpose is to support closer links between Britain and Japan.
Denchu Hirakushi House and Atelier
Tokyo 2019 (revised premiere)
Denchu Hirakushi (1872–1979) was a modern Japanese sculptor who revitalised the 1,500-year-old tradition of Japanese woodcarving in the twentieth century. In 1970, Denchu donated the house and atelier to his hometown of Ibara City. The house is generally closed to the public, but is maintained by Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture, Ueno-Sakuragi Denchu Hirakushi House and Atelier, NPO Taito Cultural and Historical Society, Arts management group ‘Yanaka no Okatte’ and volunteers from Tokyo University of the Arts.

Tête a Tête: The Opera Festival
London 2019 (UK premiere)
Since its inception in 1997, the festival has presented and managed many productions in diverse styles from around the world and established its position as the go-to platform for new opera in the 21st century. The 2019 edition of Tête a Tête: The Opera Festival hosted the UK premiere of THE鍵KEY.

Powell Tuck Associates
London 2019 (UK premiere)
Powell Tuck Associates is an award-winning practice of expert architects and designers based in West London. 10 Tollgate Drive, the venue for the UK premiere of THE鍵KEY was originally designed by the practice’s founding architect, Julian Powell Tuck. Angus Shepherd, a director of the practice who currently lives in 10 Tollgate Drive, provided the venue for the performances. Practice associate Asia Grzybowska collaborated with the opera’s producers for the “Peering into private lives. Crossing boundaries” event and for the performances.

Azuki Foundation
London 2019 (UK premiere)
The Azuki Foundation, set up in 2012, is a registered charity which, through
Japanese and Asian arts and culture, offers unique experiences to stimulate
peoples’ creativity and imagination.

London 2019 (UK premiere)
Founded in 2004 by Akiko Yanagisawa, Mu:Arts has a highly successful track record in curating, producing and coordinating cultural productions and events. Mu:Arts aims to offer open and creative platform that encourages genre-defying, cross-cultural collaborations, connecting tradition with contemporary life, arts and culture.

Southbank Sinfonia
London 2019 (UK premiere)
London-based chamber orchestra Southbank Sinfonia supports promising graduate musicians from around the world to develop illustrious careers through their annual fellowship. Southbank Sinfonia provided the violinist, cellist and double bassist for the UK premiere of THE鍵KEY from their alumni players.

London Festival of Architecture
London 2019 (UK premiere)
The world’s largest annual architecture festival celebrates London as the global hub for architecture. The “Peering into private lives. Crossing boundaries” event held in conjunction with Powell Tuck Associates was a highlight event of the 2019 London Festival of Architecture.